Sunday 6 May 2012

How NOT to market on FaceBook and committ social blunders - Web 2.0 - Social Communities


Susanna Fera

Oh no! Have you committed a Faux Pas on FaceBook a social blunder? You need to keep it in check, or the dreaded unfriending or even worse being blocked could occur. Not to worry. Here are some quick tips on how NOT to market on FaceBook.

1. When you send a friend request, tell them WHY you are requesting them by including a message. I equate this to extending a proper handshake when meeting for the first time. If you know the person, then you might not to send a message with the request. If you don't know them, then you have to say WHY you are requesting the connection. By doing so, you are creating more valuable connections.

2. Put up a nice profile picture. Don't worry it's not a beauty contest. If someone requests me, and they don't have a profile pic, I wonder what they are hiding. Do you wear a mask when you go to a party? This is a time to show your personality so don't put up a stiff photo either. But, don't get wild and crazy either. Keep it simple.

3. Please, please don't blast your opportunity on your friends walls.. If they've asked you about it, that's one thing. If you have a valuable webinar to share, that's fine too. I have a friend that I know nothing about, except that he constantly pitches his opportunity on my wall. You don't take a sign into a party blasting your opportunity. So, it's really the same type of thing.

4. Don't send those silly gifts, cards, or throw snow balls at your pals. Again this is a wall clogger and prevents your business friends from seeing the updates they want to. I realize that these can be removed in your FaceBook settings but who has time to go through all those settings. No one really looks at the gifts anyway. Plus, snowballs can hurt!

5. So many network marketers say they don't have enough time to get all their marketing strategies done in a day. So, if that is true, then why are you playing Farmville and Vampire Wars? If you are getting all the leads you need in a day, then play away. I understand needing a break but go for a walk or read a book.

FaceBook is an such an amazing tool! It is wonderful for reconnecting with old pals from the past and making new business connections. But, let's remember it's Social Media. So be social and interactive first. By doing so, you won't be committing any FaceBook Faux Pas. Show a little bit of who you are. This is really the best way to connect.

If you want to learn how to market on FaceBook correctly, here's a link for a free training./

This training is ideal if you find that you are spending about 30 minutes a day on FaceBook. It's also an ideal marketing strategy regardless of your budget.

Be Who You Are Love What You Do, and Wealth Will Follow


Susanna Fera

iAutoblog the premier autoblogger software

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